Anna Davis

Anna Davis wants to become a pediatric occupational therapist in the future. When she’s not studying, Anna enjoys being active outdoors, playing with her animals, hanging out with her friends, and going shopping.

Get to know Anna

  • Major: Kinesiology and health
  • Class: Junior
  • Hometown: McLean, Illinois
  • Career goal: Pediatric occupational therapist
  • Clubs/activities: Pre-Occupational Therapy Club, Kinesiology and Health Club, Student Alumni Leadership Council, Dance Marathon, Pi Beta Phi Sorority
  • Awards/honors: ​V. Everett & Grace Miller Donelson Memorial Scholarship, Winifred Tilden High Scholar Award, Dean’s list
  • Favorite place on campus: Central campus
  • Most influential ISU mentor: Laura Graves
  • Favorite class: H S 110, Personal and Consumer Health
  • Why Iowa State: It felt like home, loved the school spirit of Iowa State

Anna Davis strives to impact children’s lives through career in pediatric occupational therapy

Anna Davis always had a feeling that the health field would be the perfect path for her; she enjoys living an active, healthy lifestyle, and wants to help others live life to their fullest potential too.

When she heard an inspiring story in her high school psychology class about occupational therapy helping a child through a muscle deformation, it confirmed to her that the health field would allow her to do what she always wanted: help people.

“I knew occupational therapy was a good hands-on health career, and I liked how in that career I could mesh my love for kids with my wanting to help others,” Anna said. 

As a pediatric occupational therapist, Anna will help children with things like their sensory motor attention span and their range of motion. 

“The biggest thing is to be able to get them to play the way a child their age should be able to play,” she said. 

Anna has already seen firsthand how occupational therapists work in multiple different settings, including a hospital’s pediatric outpatient unit, a nursing home, and a pediatric private practice. 

“With those experiences, it’s been super cool to see what I’m learning put into action,” Anna said.

She also benefits in learning more about the career through her Pre-Occupational Therapy Club meetings, in which practicing professionals come and speak about their experiences to the club members. Anna said she enjoys hearing from and relating to the professionals about the reasons they’re in the occupational therapy field, and learning about the settings they work in.

Anna is leaning toward working in a hospital setting but said she is trying to keep her options open as she continues to learn more about the settings she hasn’t personally experienced yet.

After taking her Graduate Record Examinations this winter, she’ll be ready to attend graduate school and start her dream career of positively impacting people’s lives. 

“It’s a rewarding feeling to know you had a part in helping a child,” Anna said. “It will be so rewarding to help them improve their lives.”

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